

nantong Hairui Textile


The company is a professional textile company that integrates research and development, production, and sales, specializing in the production of various sizes of jacquard fabrics

Nantong Hairui Textile Co., Ltd.

Adhere to reputation and operate with integrity

Nantong Hairui Textile Co., Ltd. is situated in Nantong city, which is one of the 14 earliest coastal open cities and a well-known textile city in China. Neighboring to Shanghai and Suzhou city, Hairui enjoys convenient transportation and scenic environment.
As a specialized textile company, we are mainly engaged in researching, developing, manufacturing and selling various big/small jacquard fabrics. 

Cover an area

50 acres

Floor space


Established in


Various types of looms




The Eternal Creed of Hairui People

Be honest and do things with your heart

Hairui Textile warmly welcomes colleagues at home and abroad, as well as new and old customers, to come to our company for all-round cooperation and business negotiations!

nantong Hairui Textile

The unchanging mind of Hairui people

Treat guests as' parents of food and clothing '

Hairui is willing to become your eternal partner, let us join hands and work together to build a better tomorrow!


32 sets of 360 extra-wide large jacquard looms, 24 sets of 100" large jacquard looms, 36 sets of 75" large jacquard looms; 16 units of small jacquard 210 air-jet looms and 40 sets of 200 rapier looms.


Nantong Hairui Textile

contact us

Small Jacquard: Li Haixing
Tel: +86-13773629320
E-mail: lihaixing@nthrtex.com

Big Jacquard: Yang Yajun
Tel: +86-13615207731
E-mail: yangyajun@nthrtex.com



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